
6th Grade

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Wow, I'm a Slacker

I haven't posted in quite some time.  I had writer's block for a while and lately, I just don't have enough hours in the day.  This morning the kids are still asleep and my man is at work so I thought I would update you all on the happenings in A Day in the Life of Autism. 

A big event is taking place tomorrow in the Hibshman household.  Nintendo is releasing their new hand held gaming system, the 3DS.  Noah has been counting down the days for at least the last 6 months.  He pre-ordered it last week and he will pick it up tomorrow.  He did wonder if he should play it, however, because tomorrow is the Lord's day and all.  He has been saving for this system for months.  He saved all of his birthday money and all of his allowance.  He even traded in his current hand held device because they gave him a $50 credit.  I think he is pretty proud that he is buying this himself, and I am proud too.  He doesn't have any money for games yet, but that will be the next thing for which he will save. 

In October of last year, Noah went to the doctor and he measured 5'.  We got out the tape measure the other day and he is now 5'6".  His voice has been getting lower by the day and if you look closely, you can see blond facial hair.  My 12 year old is becoming a man.  I'm not sure how I feel about this yet.  There are so many more things we need to teach him.  I feel like we are running out of time.

Speaking of teaching, last Monday was not a day I am proud of in my homeschooling adventure.  Noah's weakest subject is math and I am more than aware of that.  We were doing some problems that required him to use a skill that he learned a couple of months ago.  He couldn't remember how to do it and I really didn't handle it in the manner that I should have.  I got angry.  I realized that the reason for my anger(sin) was my pride(sin).  When Noah doesn't get something, I immediately turn it around on me and think that I am not doing my job as his teacher.  But instead of getting mad at myself, I get mad at him.  I was ashamed of myself and questioned my ability to homeschool.  The Lord used this situation to teach me how to love and encourage Noah.  I am not glad that it happened, but I am grateful that my Lord can use it to teach me. 

I am willing to homeschool Noah if that is the Lord's will for our family.  But I can only do it with His help.  I am not a teacher, not to mention a special education teacher.  Noah doesn't learn the way that most kids do.  He needs extra help.  But the problem I face is knowing how much extra help to give him.  My husband pointed out to me in the past that Noah is not the student that Baylee is.  It's okay if he doesn't get straight A's. 

We are praying that Noah may be able to go to Elkhart Christian Academy next year.  We have applied for financial aid and will need to depend on God for the rest.  But either way, whether he is in school or at home, with God's help, he will be fine.

1 comment:

  1. Karen, you are not a slacker!!! You are a busy mom and wife who has only so much time. You are doing a great job and we all have lost it at one time or another with our kids. Noah and Baylee are lucky to have you and Alan as parents but when I think of it luck has nothing to do with it. You were given Noah so that you could learn to lean on God and ask for his help. I have learned thru the years that all the good in me comes from Him and all else is me following my will and not His. Some of those lessons were hard learned and reminds me of Grandma Miller saying I always had to learn the hard way...hahaha :)
