
6th Grade

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Sometimes I Forget Just How Lucky I Am

I really enjoy the new show on TV called "Secret Millionaire."  It is about these millionaires who seek out people and organizations that are making a difference in poor communities.  Every week, I am pretty certain that when it is revealed that the people will get a generous donation toward their cause, I will be weeping.  It gets me every time.  About three weeks ago, the show featured the couple that started Curves International.  They have an autistic grandchild and one of the organizations that they visited was a daycare center for autistic adults.

Now these men were severely autisic.  Most of them couldn't communicate very well and some not at all.  Seeing this made me feel so very guilty for feeling bad about our situation.  Noah seems perfectly fine compared to the men at this facility.  It really puts things in perspective when you realize that it could have been worse.  The center was given $250,000 to help keep it running.  Of course, the men didn't understand what was given to them.  One of the millionaires gave a man a pair of sunglasses because she had noticed previously that he had a sensitivity to light.  His reaction was priceless.  He was so thankful you would have thought that she had given him the world.  And to him, she did.

A family member recently made a comment that made me angry.  She said that Noah needs to start warming up to kids and he needs to make some friends.  Um......duh!  Almost like it is his fault that he doesn't have friends.  I guess I have to attribute that to lack of knowledge about autism.  Although by now, I would think she would get it.  April is autism awareness month so now is the time to explain it to her:)

Noah started guitar lessons this week thanks to my generous mother.  It will be good for his fine motor skills.  He took a year and a half of piano lessons a while back until he decided that piano was for girls.  (Noah is very specific about what is appropriate for each of the sexes)  When you ask my son what he is going to do when he grows up, he always answers with, "be in a band."  I guess guitar lessons are a must but we might want to have a back up plan.

Something I want to share with you from the last two weeks of my life.  Be thankful for everything the Lord gives you, good and bad.  It is so easy to be thankful for what we see as blessings.  And then to not be thankful for the rest.  Everything that God allows into your life has a purpose. And from my favorite song of the moment:

What if your blessings come through raindrops
what if your healing come through tears
what if a thousand sleepless nights
are what it takes to know You're near
what if trials of this life are Your mercies in disguise


  1. Karen, you have an attitude of gratitude and I think you make God smile. I have a favorite song that touches me by Francesca Battistelli. I won't get these word perfect (just be glad I don't try to sing them..haha)It is called "The Stuff You Use" It might not be what I would choose.....but this is the stuff you use.
    In the middle of my mess..I forget how big I'm blessed. It is a great song and they play it all the time down here.
    I think Noah is just where he is supposed to be in his journey, where God wants him to be because when all is said and done God is in control!!

  2. Yes Auntie, that FB song is, in fact, my theme song. I love it! Thank you for your encouraging words. They mean the world to me.

    I am beginning to learn to take each day as it comes. I am trying not to worry about the future. I am trying not to dwell on the past. I am trying to focus on a day at time and have myself become less as Christ becomes more.
