
6th Grade

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

He Cannot Tell A Lie

After living in our current home for 9 years, we have put it on the market For Sale By Owner.  Bittersweet really, because we had it built and it was my dream home.  Just goes to show you not to get attached to the world or the stuff in it.  This is only a temporary dwelling place.  My home is with my Father in Heaven. 

With that being said, Noah does not like change in any way, shape, or form.  Everything in his world is the same.  What he eats, what he wears, the order in how he does, well......everything.  A change can really throw Noah into a tizzy so I try my best to keep everything very structured for him. 

I can appreciate how God honors child like faith.  Children don't have doubts, children don't overthink things, children believe that their prayers will be heard and answered.  With this in mind, I asked Noah to pray about the sale of our home.  In today's market, only God himself can sell a house.  Noah told me point blank that he will pray that our house doesn't sell.  He doesn't want to move.  He likes our current home.  I tried to explain that this is the best for our family in our present financial situation but I don't think Noah is buying it.

We have found a home that we would like to buy.  It is an older home but very well maintained.  It has an extra bedroom so that we could begin to pray about foster parenting, something that has been on my heart for a while.  We went to see it again the other night and the realtor asked how we liked it.  Alan, Baylee and I were all pleased with what we saw.  But Noah sat on the couch and stated his dislike of the home to the realtor.  I explained to her that he doesn't like change.

Noah also really can't lie.  Now most of you would think that would be a mother's dream.  The only time that I have difficulty is when the truth hurts someones feelings.  I am not condoning lying in any way but if you don't want to hear the truth about maybe, say your weight, please don't ask my son.

The reason that he doesn't lie is because it is against the rules to lie.  Noah is a rule follower.  No if's ands, or buts.  If there is a rule about something, he is going to follow it.  For Christmas,we got him this magnetic ball that he had wanted.  I noticed that a week went by and he hadn't picked it up.  When I asked him about it, he said the appropriate age was 12 and up.  He would be turning 12 in about a week so he would just assume wait.

We were at The Outback Steakhouse a while back and Noah wouldn't order off of the kids menu because it said 10 and under and he was 11.  Now Noah has a very limited diet and I knew that he didn't like anything on the regular menu.  I told him it was ok to order off of the kids menu.  He actually started crying and told us that if he did so that we would be kicked out of the restaurant.  I got the waitress to give him the ok and then he was able to order the chicken strips he desired.  I guess she has higher authority than me as far as The Outback is concerned. 

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